banning violence, promoting conversion by kindness as opposed to threat of force, and just general niceness. Such as forcing peasants to put holes in their walls, a total ban on pants, the use of turnips as a standard currency, and.
With his flying longship and crew of twelve singing rabbits, Kettil earned his fame by sailing across the Norse lands solving crime. Kettil, proud son of a holy union between Odin, a wild mare and three forest gnomes, paid Óleifr handsomely to carve these runes. Granted, it's likely that your dynasty will be kicked off as soon as there's a Succession Crisis, but for that particular King's lifespan, you'll be wondering how the hell it happened. For example, as an Irish King, it's possible to (through bloodline ties to the throne) become nominated by a Faction to become King of England, or large chunks of it. The female ruler can then tearfully reassure him of her love and proceed to seduce other guys. Your husband will get a -200 opinion penalty because you are a harlot and will confront you while throwing furniture around. Female rulers can seduce other male rulers too. One of the event options after your love-making sessions goes "Vidi, Vici, Veni." * I saw, I conquered, I came.
"Charlemagne lives on in the new CK2 Charlemagne expansion.